Arrikto’s Kubeflow and MLOps Community Roundup – Nov 4, 2021

Kubeflow and MLOps Community Round Up August 2021

Need to catch up on what happened in the Arrikto and Kubeflow community in October? Arrikto has got you covered.

Kubeflow 1.4 is out!

First, congratulations to the community of Kubeflow users, contributors, community evangelists and corporate sponsors who helped make the new Kubeflow 1.4 release possible! The Kubeflow 1.4 release lays several important building blocks for the use of advanced metadata workflows. A quick summary of 1.4’s top deliveries includes:

  • Advanced metadata workflows with improved metric visualization and pipeline step caching in Kubeflow Pipelines (KFP) via the KFP Software Development Kit (SDK)
  • A new KFServing model user interface that displays ML model status, configuration, yaml, logs, and metrics
  • New Optuna Suggestion Service with multivariate TPE algorithm and Sobol’s Quasirandom Sequence support for hyperparameter tuning
  • A new, unified training operator that supports all deep learning frameworks with a Python SDK, enhanced monitoring and advanced scheduling support

Kubeflow 1.4 enables the use of metadata in advanced machine learning (ML) workflows, especially in the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK. With the Pipelines SDK and its new V2-compatible mode, users can create advanced ML pipelines with Python functions that use the MLMD as input/output arguments. This simplifies metrics visualization.

Another enhancement to Pipelines is the option to use the Emissary executor for non-Docker Kubernetes container runtime requirements. In addition, 1.4 can support metadata-based workflows to streamline the creation of TensorBoard visualizations and to serve ML models.

For the complete rundown on what’s new, check out the official announcement blog on

Latest Arrikto Blogs and Videos

Here’s a sample of the latest Arrikto blogs and videos that were posted in the last few weeks.



Kubeflow Community Roundup


At the end of October the Kubeflow Slack channel was 6,374 members strong! (For those of you playing along at home, that’s an increase of 144 members over last month.)


Here’s the Sept GitHub stats for a few of the various Kubeflow projects we contribute to and track here at Arrikto.

  • Kubeflow: 237 contributors, 10,859 stars, 41 new issues
  • Pipelines: 189 new issues
  • Katib: 38 new issues
  • Kfserving: 42 new issues
  • Manifests: 32 new issues

Community Resources

We’ve collected all the Kubeflow and MiniKF tutorials, videos, Meetups, workshops and documentation links you need to get started all in one place. Check out the “Community Resources” page!

Mailing List

If you are looking for Kubeflow discussions via email, subscribe to the kubeflow-discuss mailing list.

Workshops, Meetups, Events and Community Calls

FREE Workshops

We are excited to announce that Arrikto is making available a FREE, virtual 60 minute Kubeflow and MLOps workshop!

The workshop covers basic and advanced topics related to Kubeflow, MiniKF, Rok, Katib and KFServing. In the workshop you’ll gain a solid understanding of how these components can work together to help you bring machine learning models to production faster. Click to schedule a private workshop for your team, or register for our monthly community workshop happening on Nov 18 that includes a presentation covering about what’s new in 1.4.

Kubeflow and MLOps Meetup


It’s still too early for us to get together in person, but it doesn’t mean we can’t get together virtually to learn and discuss topics related to Kubeflow and MLOps! Arrikto has taken the initiative to set up a network of a dozen vendor neutral “Data Science, Machine Learning, MLOps and Kubeflow” Meetups in several major metros. Over 800 community members have already signed up!

Join a Meetup near you and check out the calendar of upcoming talks. The next Meetup is happening on Nov 4 and will feature talks from VMWare and Red Hat.

Are you interested in speaking at a future Meetup?
Is your company interested in sponsoring a Meetup?
Would you like to be a co-organizer of a local Meetup? Send one of the organizers/hosts a message on!


The KubeCon North America conference happened on Oct 11-15 in Los Angeles. Arrikto was honored to have two presentations at the conference. 

Keynote: Machine Learning on Kubernetes Made Easy With Kubeflow

Case Study: Developing and Scaling Kubeflow’s Web Apps

Community Call

Reminder! The Kubeflow community call happens every Tuesday. This call alternates weekly between US East/EMEA and US West/APAC friendly times. Joining the kubeflow-discuss mailing list will automatically send you calendar invitations for the meetings, or you can subscribe to the community meeting calendar above.

Arrikto’s Commitment to the Kubeflow Community

At Arrikto, we are active members of the Kubeflow community having made significant contributions to the latest 1.4 release. Our projects/products include:

  • Kubeflow as a Service is the easiest way to get started with Kubeflow in minutes! It comes with a Free 7-day trial (no credit card required).
  • Enterprise Kubeflow (EKF) is a complete machine learning operations platform that simplifies, accelerates, and secures the machine learning model development life cycle with Kubeflow.
  • Rok is a data management solution for Kubeflow. Rok’s built-in Kubeflow integration simplifies operations and increases performance, while enabling data versioning, packaging, and secure sharing across teams and cloud boundaries.
  • Kale, a workflow tool for Kubeflow, which orchestrates all of Kubeflow’s components seamlessly.

We are hiring!

Arrikto is a fast growing company with offices in San Mateo, CA and Athens, Greece. We are looking for developer relations engineers in the US, APAC and EMEA regions to join the Arrikto team. You can learn more about the DevRel position and apply here.
We also have plenty of other open positions at Arrikto. Check them out.

What’s Next?

Free Technical Workshop

Turbocharge your team’s Kubeflow and MLOps skills with a free workshop.