Welcome to Arrikto’s Kubeflow and MLOps Meetups!

Arrikto has taken the initiative to set up a network of a dozen vendor neutral “Data Science, Machine Learning, MLOps and Kubeflow” Meetups in several major metros. Over 3,300+ community members have already signed up!

Upcoming Meetups

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Join a Meetup

Join a Meetup near you and check out the calendar of upcoming talks.

Get Involved

Interested in Speaking at a Future Meetup?

Are you a data scientist or machine learning engineer with an interesting story, use case or project you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you.

Kubeflow, MiniKF and MLOps Director of Education

Interested in Sponsoring a future Meetup?

Is your company looking to support the Kubeflow and MLOps community through a sponsorship? Contact us to learn how you can help and what the benefits are.

Interested in Organizing a future Meetup?

Are you ready to take the lead and help organize one of the existing (or establish a new one) in your local area? Contact us to learn how to become a co-organizer.

Past meetups

Jet Energy Corrections with GNN Regression using Kubeflow at CERN

Build high-quality ML datasets and computer vision models with FiftyOne

Elastic & Automated Time Series Predictive Modeling with ConvectAI

Introducing the Potluck ML Framework with KUNGFU.AI

AI Observability – How To Fix Issues With Your ML Model

Using Apache Spark in Kubeflow – A non trivial Usecase

Machine Learning Enabled by Network Graphs: The Power of Connecting Your Data

AI/ML on OpenShift: Operationalizing Models the Red Hat Way