This week we hosted the latest course in the FREE “ Introduction to Kubeflow” training and certification series. This course focused on Kubeflow Notebooks, specifically JupyterLabs. In this blog post we’ll recap some highlights from the class, plus what’s next. Ok, let’s dig in.
Congratulations to Shivesh Padmanathan!
The first person to earn the “Notebooks” certificate at the conclusion of the course was Shivesh Padmanathan who works at Tata Consultancy Services. Well done!

First, thanks for voting for your favorite charity!
With the unprecedented circumstances facing our global community, Arrikto is looking for even more ways to contribute. With this in mind, we thought that in lieu of swag we could give workshop attendees the opportunity to vote for their favorite charity and help guide our monthly donation to charitable causes. The charity that won this workshop’s voting was the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Since 1863, the mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has been to protect and assist victims of armed conflict and promote understanding and respect for international humanitarian law. We are pleased to be making a donation of $100 to them on behalf of the Kubeflow community. Again, thanks to all of you who attended and voted!
What topics were covered in the course?
This initial course aimed to get data scientists and DevOps engineers with little or no experience familiar with the fundamentals of how Kubeflow Notebooks work, how to navigate them and turn them into Pipelines using Kaggle and Udacity-based examples.
- Kubeflow Fundamentals Review
- Notebook Basics
- Getting Started with Kubeflow Notebooks
- Working with JupyterLab Notebooks
- Jupyter Example: Titanic Disaster
- Jupyter Example: Dog Breed Identification
- Course Review
What did I miss?
Here’s a short teaser from the 90 minute training. In this video we walk you through the Dog Breed Classification example Notebook and convert it into a Pipeline.
Missed the June 15 Kubeflow Notebooks training?
If you were unable to join us this week, but would still like to attend a future training, the next “Kubeflow Notebook” training is happening on July 21, 2022. You can register here.
NEW: Advanced Kubeflow, Kubernetes Basics, Notebooks and Pipelines Workshops

- Jun 22: Kaggle’s House Prices – Advanced Regression Techniques Competition
- Jun 23: Udacity’s Dog Breed Classification Example
- Jun 30: Kaggle’s Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets Competition
- Jul 13: Kaggle’s Covid-19 OpenVaccine Machine Learning Example
- Jul 20: Kaggle’s Facial Keypoints Detection Competition
- Aug 10: Advanced Kubeflow & MLOps Workshop
- Aug 17: Kaggle’s Blue Book for Bulldozers Machine Learning Example
- Aug 24: Kaggle’s Digit Recognizer Competition
Arrikto Academy
If you are ready to put what you’ve learned into practice with hands-on labs? Then check out Arrikto Academy! On this site you’ll find a variety of FREE skills-building labs and tutorials including:
- Kubeflow Use Cases: Kaggle OpenVaccine, Kaggle Titanic Disaster, Kaggle Blue Book for Bulldozers, Dog Breed Classification, Distributed Training, Kaggle Digit Recognizer Competition
- Kubeflow Functionality – Kale, Katib
- Enterprise Kubeflow Skills – Kale SDK, Rok Registry