Announcing a FREE Virtual Kubeflow and MLOps Workshop by Arrikto

We are excited to announce that Arrikto is making available a FREE, virtual 60 minute Kubeflow and MLOps workshop!

The workshop covers basic and advanced topics related to Kubeflow, MiniKF, Rok, Katib and KFServing. In the workshop you’ll gain a solid understanding of how these components can work together to help you bring machine learning models to production faster. Click to schedule a workshop for your team or read on for more information about the workshop.

Who is the workshop for?

Data scientists, machine learning developers, DevOps engineers and infrastructure operators.

What topics will be covered in the workshop?

In this workshop your team will gain a good understanding of the following:

  • How to install Kubeflow via MiniKF locally or on a public cloud
  • Take a snapshot of your notebook
  • Clone the snapshot to recreate the exact same environment
  • Create a pipeline starting from a Jupyter notebook
  • Go back in time using Rok. Reproduce a step of the pipeline and view it from inside your notebook
  • Create a Katib experiment starting from your notebook
  • Create an AutoML experiment
  • Serve a model from inside your notebook by creating a KFServing server 
  • Create a TensorBoard server from inside your notebook and view the training logs

What is the cost of the workshop?

None. This is a FREE workshop.

What will my team receive at the conclusion of the workshop?

Every participant will receive the slides used, links to all resources referenced in the workshop, access to GitHub repos, a recording of the presentation, plus a Kubeflow community welcome gift.

How is the workshop delivered?

This instructor led workshop is delivered over Zoom.

What is the minimum number of participants needed to schedule a workshop for my team?

We require a minimum of 3 participants.

What are the prerequisites for the workshop?

A basic understanding of cloud computing, Kubernetes and machine learning concepts is very helpful.

I have additional questions about the workshop, who can I speak with?

Simply ask them in the form at the bottom of this page.

About Arrikto

At Arrikto, we are active members of the Kubeflow community having made significant contributions to the latest 1.4 release. Our projects/products include:

  • Kubeflow as a Service is the easiest way to get started with Kubeflow in minutes! It comes with a Free 7-day trial (no credit card required).
  • Enterprise Kubeflow (EKF) is a complete machine learning operations platform that simplifies, accelerates, and secures the machine learning model development life cycle with Kubeflow.
  • Rok is a data management solution for Kubeflow. Rok’s built-in Kubeflow integration simplifies operations and increases performance, while enabling data versioning, packaging, and secure sharing across teams and cloud boundaries.
  • Kale, a workflow tool for Kubeflow, which orchestrates all of Kubeflow’s components seamlessly.

Free Technical Workshop

Turbocharge your team’s Kubeflow and MLOps skills with a free workshop.